Minipro TL866 27c400/800/160 Adapter

I really love my MiniPRO TL866 programmer. It has so many supported chips. I save a lot of money not having to buy several programmers for my hobby.


But unfortunately it does not support 27c400/800/160 eeproms. When restoring Arcade games, I some times come across those ROMS. A common fault for old ROMS is that the programming some times become corrupt. Then you need to re-program them using a programmer like this. But since my programmer wont support these chips, I decided to manufacture a solution of my own.


The main reason some of the chips wont ever be supported by the TL866, is that the programmer has only a 40 pin programming socket. So the adapter needs to work around this. In this design, this is done by selecting the AMD 27C4096 in the programmers software, deselect “Check ID” and program the chip in several runs of 512kB , so you have to split the file into sections of 512kB . The jumpers A18 and A19 on the top is used to select each bank to program. It works like this:

  • To program the 27c400, no jumpers required. No need to split the file.
  • To program the 27c800 start with no jumpers for the first 512kB, then set J18 to closed for the second round of 512kB .

To program the 27c160. This file has to be split into 4 sections of 512kB. The first part with no jumpers, the second with J18 set, the third with only J19 set, and the last with both J18 and J19 set.

  • DSCF9360.JPG

Picture shows me getting ready to program Kickstart 3.1 for my Amiga 500. If you are going to program kickstart chips for the Amiga, no jumpers is needed.

How to program a 27c400 120ns eprom with the TL866 to make a Kickstart chip:

Im gonna use Diagrom as an example.

  • In MiniPRO software, select AM27C4096 DIP-40 under device.
  • Uncheck “check ID” in the lower part of the screen.
  • Verify that the EPROM is blank. Select Device – Blank Check.
  • No jumpers should be set at J18 and J19
  • If you havent already done so, download newest version here:
  • Select File and Open and browse to the location where you downloaded Diagrom
  • File is already byteswapped, so select Device and program. Wait til its finished.
  • If you run into problems, try adjusting the VPP Voltage between 12.5 and 13.5.
  • Some models need 2 ROMS (32bit) on those models you need to program each chip with their correct file, like 32bitHI.bin and 32bitLO.bin.

You should supplement your programmer with a UV eraser. The cheap ebay ones work for me.

This project with PCB and parts can be purchased on ebay:

Diagrom is a great tool for diagnosing you Amiga computer.

You can buy legal Kickstart files at

You can download Diagrom for free at






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